Retiring is a monumental achievement. After working for your whole life, spending wisely, and saving prudently, it is incredibly gratifying to depart from your job for the last time. It is inspiring knowing that you still have so much to look forward to. If you are nearing retirement age or have recently retired, you are likely excited about how you will spend your newfound free time. However, you may also be curious about just how you can maximize the level of freedom you will enjoy.
One of the most surefire ways to do so is by exploring the prospect of independent living. This may sound counterintuitive, and that is understandable. Many people associate independent living with retirement homes and advanced age. However, this is largely an unfortunate misnomer. Independent living is designed for adults 55 and older and finding this lifestyle at the right community can actually increase the amount of freedom you can enjoy. Below are some of the few ways this option can help you find freedom in retirement.
No More Lawn Care
Life in the familiarity of your home is a wonderful thing. Nevertheless, it is not without its challenges.
For instance, maintaining your yard can be a laborious and physically tiring affair. The constant attention a lawn requires can be taxing and time-consuming; if you pay a service for lawn care, the bills really add up and can put undue stress on a fixed income. The right independent living community allows you to enjoy the privacy of a cottage or apartment decorated how you see fit – but with the freedom from the physical tax and time commitment of lawn care.
Freedom From Home Maintenance
Even the most nicely-kept home requires TLC to keep it in good condition.
What’s more, it can still be prone to emergencies, such as leaking boilers, blown air conditioners, or structural issues. When these complications arise, they can often come with significant price tags, ones that may be much more financially stressful than when you were working full time. Life in an independent living cottage or apartment frees you from the stress of house-related emergencies by leaving any unexpected hurdles to a trustworthy, expert maintenance team.
Less Stress in the Kitchen
You may love spending time in the kitchen cooking up recipes new and old. The right independent living option will still allow you to do just that in your private kitchen or kitchenette. But what about those days you just don’t feel like cooking? Or when you forgot to pick up a crucial ingredient? One of the many joys of independent living is the included meals. You can enjoy the freedom of simply walking over to the dining area and enjoying a healthy, delicious meal with friends – all without lifting a finger!
If you would like to learn more about a vibrant independent living community with picturesque cottages, apartments, and dining areas, contact Inland Christian Home. We are a continuing care retirement community (CCRC) on a beautiful Ontario campus. Give us a call at (909) 983-0084 or contact us online today.