Many people are apprehensive about moving to a senior community because they think it signals the end of their active lifestyle. But residents at Inland Christian Home find the exact opposite is true thanks to fun events like monthly fellowship dinners for Independent Living residents.

On the first Monday of each month, residents of ICH’s apartments and cottages get together in the facility’s Friendship Center for an evening of food, entertainment, and fellowship. The events, which are organized by the Resident Association Executive Committee, are attended by an average of fifty-five to sixty-five residents for each month.

They are a great way for residents to get out of the house and socialize with their peers, something that is essential for staving off loneliness and depression. It is also a great way for new residents to familiarize themselves with the community and make new friends, which can be a challenge for newcomers.

The fellowship dinners are a long-standing tradition at Inland Christian Home dating back to the early days of the facility. When members of the community first began meeting for these monthly dinners, the event was a potluck and residents would bring their favorite dishes to share with their friends and neighbors. Over time the format changed, and the potluck event turned into a catered affair with food provided by the facility’s dietary department.

Like with many things, these dinners were unfortunately put on hold in 2020 due to the pandemic but have recently returned in full force to give residents a chance to get out, have fun, and catch up with their peers. While food and conversation are the main focus of the dinners, live entertainment keeps things lively. Entertainment options, which change from month to month, include a variety of options ranging from musical entertainers to comedians.

The fellowship dinners are ticketed events, with proceeds going toward entertainment and food for the events. The price is $13 per ticket (cash only), and tickets are available for purchase the front desk beginning the Wednesday before each event.