We cordially invite you to participate in the 2023 Annual Fund Drive. This year’s goal is to raise $200,000, and the focus of the drive is Phase 0 of the Long-Range Plan.

Phase 0 of the Long-Range Plan (LRP) Moving Forward

The architectural plans for the Inland Christian Home update have been completed and were submitted to the City of Ontario in August 2023. ICH anticipates starting construction on Phase 0 of its LRP in June 2024. This project would include:

  • Adding a covered vehicle approach
  • Providing additional parking
  • Enlarging the lobby
  • Expanding the dining room

The project will transform the look of the main entry and front parking areas. The covered vehicle approach will provide a convenient place for pick up and drop off for residents and visitors. Additional parking will allow flexibility for future LRP phases and provide needed improvements to the front entrance area to ensure our compliance with Americans with Disabilities (ADA) standards. The new lobby will be much larger and provide separation from the dining room. The dining room will be extended to allow more seating for meals and events. All these additions will complement future LRP Phases.

Architectural mockup of new car porte
architectural mockup of new site plan

2 Ways to Donate:

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Drop off your gift in person.

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Provide your gift onlineat ichome.org/donate.

Building Fund

The Board of Directors is actively developing and pursuing the community’s Long-Range Plans, including our expansion.


ICH has a program that offers reduced rates to residents who can no longer afford the full cost of care and services.

Foundation Fund

Donations to the Foundation Fund are invested to produce revenue that assists with ICH’s operations budget.

Operations Update

Census levels are at near-full capacity, a five-year high! The Skilled Nursing Facility has transformed into a rehabilitation model in which residents stay for shorter periods of time and then return home. Hiring staff and inflationary pressures are currently our biggest challenges. In 2023, we surveyed those we serve to better understand what they know and love about ICH so we can refine and amplify our differentiated brand messaging across the Ontario area. This will support us in maintaining high occupancy and even to cultivate a waiting list for all levels of care. The study uncovered that our community is best known for: • Christian-Based Welcoming Atmosphere • Care That Extends Beyond Health • Specially Designed Full Continuum of Care.


Thank you for considering a donation to the 2023 Inland Christian Home Annual Fund Drive.

If you would like to learn more about an Ontario Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) offering a full continuum of care including assisted living, independent living, memory care and more, contact Inland Christian Home. Call us today at (909) 983-0084 or reach us online.